Thursday, February 26, 2009

3 weeks- the calm after the storm

Avery is three weeks old today. It is so cliche, but it is hard to believe that time has gone by this fast already. Things have been a little crazy around here, but just like clockwork I have fallen into the typical second time mom role. I am not as crazed this time around, so much so that I wasn't even aware that I had a had a baby with colic. We went for a check-up a couple of days ago and I was expressing my concern over her gas pains and how fussy she was after she ate. Her Dr. asked a few more questions, then looked her over really well, and suggested that I start her on a senstive formula for babies with a protien deficiency (aka colic). Ummm ok, no problem doc. I also decided to change her bottles after three weeks because everytime she would eat, I swear there could have been a momma pig nursing 10 babies in the room with us for the amount of sucking noises she was making. It only took me three weeks to decide that this may be a problem. I am a quick one, aren't I?

The point of all that rambeling is that I am really proud of myself for not being so crazy this time around. Things seem easy for the most part. Now I still have my moments, but I am not as anxious or paranoid as I was the first time around. I could even be mistaken for a normal person if you didn't know better. In fact for the last two nights, Avery has been sleeping for about four or five hours in her nursery! I know what you are thinking... "Oh Rebeka you are really living on the edge now".... but really this is HUGE for us. With Alison this would have sent me over the edge with worry. I would have been getting up to check to make sure she was breathing. This time around I am aware that just because Avery is out of my sight, it doesn't mean that she will fall off the face of the earth. Now as I said before I am not completely better, but after a short little prayer of protection, my nerves are at least calm enough to let the exaustion take over and go to sleep.

So now that we are on the new (and much more expensive might I add) formula, all is well. Things are calm here. I am still not sure if that is the second-time mother in me saying that or if things really are calm.... I will let you know in another couple of days when I am sure I will have yet a different perspective on things.

But for today my mantra will be Cleaning your house while your kids are still growing is like shoveling the walk before it stops snowing... pointless. Let things just be.-Phyllis Diller

But we all know that with me that will last about twenty minutes or else I will go crazy. (Oh well at least I am trying.)

Monday, February 23, 2009

2 weeks and 4 days- wynken, blynken, and nod

Avery is now 2 weeks and 4 days old. She has been sleeping pretty much the same amount of time each day since we brought her home, but I woke up this morning officially TIRED! I guess that I have just been in survival mode but now that things are getting settled, the lack of sleep is really getting to me. The thing that keeps me moving each day is the thought that I have a really good baby. She sleeps more than most babies, so I am just thankful that I get what I get from the land of nod. I feel so sorry for all the other new mommies out there that have yet to get a block of sleep from their little ones at night. Just hang in there. One day pretty soon you will wake up from that bissful block of sleep and actually miss your baby that you haven't seen in a few hours. So I guess that tiredness is all in how you look at it. (As are all things in life and motherhood...)

Which leads me into a story-

I said to one of my friends the other day, "Avery really has been sleeping well."

She replied, "Oh how great for you. How long will she sleep at night?"

"She will sleep some nights for five hours at a time", I replied with somewhat smug smile.

"Oh you poor thing," she said sympathetically as she looked down at my beautiful baby, "It will get better for you guys."

I wanted to scream, "ARE YOU CRAZY! That is wonderful in the world of two week old babies." But I was able to hold myself back. Because even though I am proud of my little girl for being so wonderful, I know that she is right. As good as I think being a mom is now, things will get better and better and better. And for that I am so grateful.